Essential Oils: Crossing the Blood Brain Barrier and Aiding with Healing



Essential Oils are made up of extremely small molecules that allow them to stand out from other oils and liquids because they are so small that they can be breathed in and cross into the blood brain barrier! These molecules make up what is called an Isoprene Units.  Which are small and powerful enough to break through the brain blood barrier though the ole factory system in the brain.

Isoprene Units are broken down into Terpens at molecular level.  These Terpens are what make Essential Oils so different then other oils such as olive oil and other carrier oils.  There are sever different types of Terpens.  Lets explore the healing capabilities that each type of essential oil!

Phenlypropanoid: Contain 1 Isoprene Unit.  These are able to cross the brain barrier and cleanse the receptor site and help to properly transfer information, hormones, and healing properties to a cellular level in the brain and body.  Examples of such oils are clove, basil, cinnamon, wintergreen, peppermint and more.

Monoterpens: Contain 2 Unites of Isoprene.  These are able to reprogram DNA at a cellular level.  (Healing) With the help of a Phenylpropanoid oil the receptor site is cleared and the Monterpen oils can began to reprogram that cell and help the healing. These oils include Pink Grapefruit, Sweet Orange, Lemon and more.

Sesquiterpens: Contain 3 Isoprene Units.  They can deprogram the DNA at a cellular level. Helps with miswritten codes in the DNA cellular level. These erase wrong info in the cells stored n DNA .  Example are Cedarwood, Black Pepper, patchouli

Most Essential Oils contain all there Terpens to an extent.  Long process shortened the Essential Oils enter the blood brain barrier through their own chemical makeup and the work together to provide healing!